Recreate Memories
Deals are sweeter when you get them for free – Digital Painting Free Give Away

Deals are sweeter when you get them for free – Digital Painting Free Give Away

November 17, 2014

Here is your once-a-million chance to have your favourite photo transformed into a digital masterpiece, with longer shelf life!

Art has traversed all boundaries because it is one of the few mediums where the meaning can be solely defined by the viewer. Recent leaps in digital technology now enable artists to create masterpieces that can be accessed and appreciated by connoisseurs across the globe. Thus, digital art has not just expanded the meaning of art but also increased its shelf life and accessibility to the art world.

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Fan Kuan

Fan Kuan

October 13, 2014

“I find myself learning from a man, a human model is inferior to learning directly from nature itself. However, both these methods: model and nature cannot compare with learning from one’s own heart.”

At, we have been covering Indian and Western painters in our previous blogs.

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What Can a Sardar Paint?

What Can a Sardar Paint?

October 10, 2014

Manjit Bawa- His work was simple but not simplistic

“I am very much a Sikh. Not the militant Sikh but a believer in Sufi-Bhakti cult of Sikhism. I read Guru Granth Sahib but I am not a practicing Sikh, I have read great works of other religions like the Bhagavadagita, Shiv Purana, Ramayana etc and hated Manu Smriti. I admire the poetry of Waris S. Shah, and I love Punjab. I feel oneness with its soil. My language is Punjabi but the remark made to me in childhood stays in memory, “What can a Sardar paint”, the unassuming Sufi painter once declared to a Tribune reporter.

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