Recreate Memories
A Heartfelt Old Photo Restoration

A Heartfelt Old Photo Restoration

January 28, 2022

Over the years, people have utilised art to express their feelings, communicate thoughts, and even preserve history. Above all, it has served as an important medium for many people to express themselves, both artists and non-artists alike. It has been one of the most efficient techniques to express one’s inner sentiments, which may come as no surprise to you after seeing them. Therefore, we at OilPixel, also aim to paint all your emotions, favourite memories and moments with the help of our in-house artists.

The idea is to bring all the moments in front of your eyes, making them feel just life-like. We also provide old photo-restoration services, so if you have any torn, damaged or stuck old pictures of your loved ones, not a problem. This service will do magic to such pictures and make them look fresh. We have re-created many such beautiful stories for our clients, but here we bring to you one such story.

So, these words stated by Mr Divyesh Panchal, an Ahmedabad-based businessman, meant a lot to us. Today, we will take you across his emotional and heartfelt journey, where he was overwhelmed to see a life-like digital oil painting of his father after almost a decade. The story of this special painting might also leave you teary-eyed!

“I used to meet about 12-13 artists daily for about 2-4 hours. The main problem was that we didn’t have many good pictures of my father. He died in the year 2003, so before that, good quality cameras like DSLR were not present. We only had a handful of 12-15 photos. Out of these, only 5-6 pictures were of good clarity and focus. This was the main problem because of which we had to visit many artists.

Read More: A Heart Touching Story Of Compassion & Friendship

The journey started, but sometimes it rather ended with an ego-clash and some other professional issues of artists, then after a long struggle, I stumbled onto OilPixel- A digital oil painting studio. When I had a look at this website, I saw almost 30-40 portraits made by them, I felt like they were given proper justice. I got the clarity that my vision will be put right into action by them.

First, I met Mr. Vipul. I had a long meeting with him for about 2-2.5 hours, told him that these are the pictures that I have. And also briefed him about the iconic style of my dad. For eg: His standing posture, his facial expression while talking, his natural peaceful smile etc. I was very particular about the smile. I exactly wanted the same smile with no compromises in that.

Secondly, his eyes were very pointed so our whole family wanted them to be very precise. Be it the style of his moustache or even a small birthmark that he had, he wanted everything with a lot of detail. But, we didn’t have many pictures to give them a clear idea of the same. I told him the purpose, where this painting is going to be displayed. The identity of my father, for how many years he worked, I showed him everything.

He finally looked at the photos and accepted the challenge. He simply said: ‘I’ll do this for you, anyhow.’ I think he also got as emotional as me by the end of our conversation. Another problem was that we wanted a small picture of our grandfather in the background. This was a complicated task.

So, we got a picture of him from around 1993-94. There was no focus on that picture. Mr. Vipul told me not to worry and that he’d do it for me. He also briefed me about the digital photo restoration services and then, the journey began.

For 3-4 days, I was very eager to see the output quickly. A lot of questions popped up to me, one of the most constant one being: “Will it be worth it”?, but, after 4-5 days, suddenly my WhatsApp pinged, it was the first draft of the digital oil painting! After looking at it for about 20-25 mins, I started crying. I felt as if my father was standing in front of me. Every minute and penny that I spent behind his painting by OilPixel was absolutely worth it. Whatever was told to him, i.e, The detailing of his eyes, moustache, birthmark or hairstyle everything was done perfectly.

We got some small additions too when we gave it for painting. We forgot that we even wanted a ring. So that was added later. Then we also wanted a garland on my grandfather’s picture, even though that was added later.

All I would say is, I didn’t see my father for like 20-22 years, because I was just 7 when he passed away. So I didn’t even remember much about his appearance. But yes, now I can say that he might have looked like the one in this digital oil painting. My mom felt like he’d talk in a minute or so.

With the expectations that we roamed around for almost 20-22 days, from artist to artist, which couldn’t reach up to my mark, the task was finally accomplished. I feel that they were not able to understand my emotions but OilPixel could. They felt exactly the same as me, the old photo restoration feature did wonders to the frame.

Mr. Vipul and the whole OilPixel team felt and portrayed emotions as it is. So if you have any story like mine, you should definitely consider this unique way of feeling your best memories and bringing alive those moments, then give OilPixel a shot.”

Such testimonials make us happier and motivate us more to work to the best of our abilities. One of the best things about getting your digital art with us is that you will be able to get your old photo restoration done. This means that all the blemishes, dullness, torn-part, blurriness of your old photo would be restored, with a painting effect.

So, if you are also willing to get an old photo restoration done, we will be happy to be at your service. You can reach out to us at or ring us at 079 4009 8388. Re-paint your damaged memories colourfully with OilPixel.

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