Recreate Memories
A Heart Touching Story of Compassion & Friendship

A Heart Touching Story of Compassion & Friendship

December 31, 2021

We are an art studio & a group of people who put their heart & soul into creating memorable digital oil paintings. Each project is unique in many ways and there are stories behind the painting that we get to be a part of at a personal level. Knowing these stories enables us to recreate those emotions through our digital paintings.

While we love every project that we work on, some projects become way more special when our clients share their emotions with us. This is the story of Mr. Bharat – one of our OilPixel community members. He chose us in creating his painting. This is a story of gratitude & courage.

This is a story that reaffirms the faith in human emotions and relationships and this is the reason why we are sharing this story with you all.

It all started with a digital Oil painting

Mr. Bharat is a gentleman & a great son. He wanted to give a tribute to his father who passed away 20 years ago. After doing some research he chose OilPixel to create his father’s painting. Knowing how special this painting is for Mr. Bharat, our artists put their best work into this project. When Bharat received the painting of his father, he was stunned by the quality of work.

To put this in Bharat’s words, his daughters (12 & 9 years old), said that they felt that Dadaji is right there with them & the painting is lifelike.

For us – this mail full of gratitude came as a pat on our back for the work done by us. It encouraged our artists.

While this painting made them smile, Bharat decided to assign us a very special project that is closer to his heart.

Friends for Life

When Bharat briefed us about the next project – he actually started with his story.

His best friend, Phani was just 16 years when he passed away on the 5th January 1993. Bharat & Phani studied together for a couple of years before Phani was diagnosed with cancer. Cancer eventually claimed Phani’s life, and the friendship remained. Phani’s parents were like Amma & Nanna to Bharat, and he continued to spend every 5th January with them in the memory of his beloved friend.

When Bharat received his father’s painting, a thought flashed in his mind that Phani’s painting could be a great gift for Amma & Nanna. When Bharat explained to us the backstory of the next project he trusted us with, we realized the importance this new painting held in Bharat’s life.

Creating the Digital Oil Painting

We received an old photograph, which we were supposed to convert into a digital painting. Since we had an idea about the backstory of this special gift, we had to ensure that our next painting meets Bharat’s expectations.

The painting was ready within two weeks & we then sent the same to Bharat. We were all set for happy feedback, however, the news that we received came to us as a shock.

Things beyond human control

The news that we received from Bharat was quite shocking. The mail informed us that Phani’s mother, whom Bharat fondly called Amma, passed away on June 4th. It was devastating news for him as Bharat’s dream of presenting a memory to his Amma & Nanna remained a dream. This is one of those events which are beyond human control.

While we tried our best to make this gifting experience memorable for Bharat; it was not going to happen now.

Life – A platter of all flavours

While most gifts are associated with happiness & enjoyment; this gift experience becomes an exception because of an unfortunate incident. During such time, what matters the most is how one holds themselves together.

While it’s a fact that people who left us, can never come back, it is equally true that a person never dies as long as we remember them & they live on in our memories.

In life, there is nothing certain but uncertainty. Life is a platter of all flavours & we have to accept the beauty of all these flavours. After someone passes, what’s there in our hands is how we are going to honour their memories. This is human spirit & a true tribute to a life well-lived.

Though Bharat couldn’t complete his wish of giving a surprise to his Amma & Nanna, he chose to keep the painting as a token of memory. He conveyed to us that he liked the painting.

As a project, we really loved working on this particular digital oil painting & it was quite a fascinating experience for us with the trust Bharat put in our work.

We were also overwhelmed with the way he made us a part of his plan & was not afraid to share the details with us at every stage. It’s only people like Bharat that have made the OilPixel community what it is today.

We will keep continuing to spread smiles just the way we do.

We hope you liked this offbeat article. Follow us on our social media handle & never miss an update from OilPixel.

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